ramai peniaga yang berniaga di sini. majoriti adalah orang indonesia. boleh beli macam2 kat sini.
Tips: kalo nak beli apa2 tawar menawarlah yerrr.... sebab penjual ni, mana ada letak tanda harga. main sedap diaorang jerr... nak sebut harga berapa.
perjalanan di teruskan ke bukit uhud a.k.a jabal uhud.
baca kat sini untuk mengetahui peristiwa yang berlaku di jabal uhud. memang sangat2 sedih sejarah cerita peperangan uhud yang berlaku di sini. masa ustaz anwar bercerita mengenai perang uhud dan ustaz daud pun sambung cerita.. sebak sungguh rasanya.
bila ustaz anwar bercerita tentang pakcik nabi s.a.w, iaitu Saidina Hamzah yang gugur lagi le sedih.. kisah ringkas, boleh baca kat sini
kumpulan Inteam, menceritakan tentang kisah hidup saidina hamzah dalam salah satu nasyid mereka yang bertajuk Hamzah Asadullah.
Album : Allahu Rabbi
Munsyid : InTeam
Masih terpancar di pedang musyirikin,
Sedang darah para syuhada',
Masih merah di lantai sirah.
Ketamakkan kepada harta,
Mungkin itu jadi puncanya,
Maka Allah menjadi murka,
Sehingga Nabi pun turut terluka,
Dalam ramai umat yang gugur,
Satu jasad tubuhnya hancur,
Kepiluan beratapan,
Menangisi satu kehilangan.
Dan setelah dikenal pasti,
Dia hamzah perisai nabi,
Biar nyawa dikorbankan,
(jiwa raga dikorbankan)
Agar Islam tetap terselamat.
Di sebalik ketewasanmu,
Ada syurga sedang menunggu,
Tiap perintah mengandung hikmah,
Keingkaran kan mengundang padah.
huwa saidina hamzah asadullah.
Dikaulah perisai Rasulullah,
Berjuang berkorban demi Allah.
Sudahkah puas hatimu Hendon,
Dapat melapah hati dan jantung,
Terbalaskah dendam kesumat,
Yang sekian lama telah tersemat.
ni plak, cerita pula tentang srikandi perang, nusaibah semasa berlakunya perang uhud. kalo nak tahu baca kat sini.
ni, makam syuhada perang uhud. menurut ustaz, pada tahun 1950, banjir besar telah berlaku di kawasan ni, mayat2 syuhada perang ni, terapung di permukaan. maka, kerajaan arab saudi mengumpulkan kesemua jenazah2 di kumpulkan dan di makamkan di sini. kesemua mayat2 masih lagi elok. seperti baru meninggal dunia. syuhada yang shahid di medan perang.
penduduk sekitar yang berniaga di sekitar jabal uhud.
sibuk betul aku melihat ubat-ubatan yang di jual. ustaz kaldun yang jadi translator tentang khasiat herba2 yang di jual.
ni, kisah kurma ajwa
kisah dan asal usul kurma ajwa
Di ceritakan Pada suatu hari Rasulullah S.A.W sedang berpuasa dan apabila tiba waktu untuk berbuka puasa satu makanan pun tidak ada untuk di makan oleh baginda.
Malaikat Jibril yang melihat keadaan Rasulullah S.A.W sedemikian merasa sedih lalu ia memohon kepada Allah S.W.T supaya mengurniakan sesuatu makanan untuk rasul kesayangan-Nya berbuka puasa, lalu Allah S.W.T yang sememangnya Maha Mengetahui segalanya memperkenankan permintaan malaikat Jibril tersebut dan diberikanlah buah kurma yang istimewa ini untuk Rasulullah S.A.W berbuka puasa.
Setelah selesai iftar, biji buah kurma tersebut kemudian ditanam oleh Rasulullah S.A.W. Bermula dari peristiwa itulah seterusnya pokok kurma Ajwa ni membesar di kawasan Madinah. Dan di maklumkan juga kurma Ajwa tidak akan hidup dan berbuah di mana-mana tempat selain Madinah.wallahualam
kalau nak tahu khasiat kurma ajwa, baca kat sini
lawatan di teruskan di masjid qiblatain
MASJID Qiblatain mula-mula dikenal dengan nama masjid Bani Salamah, karena masjid ini dibangun di atas bekas rumah Bani Salamah. Letaknya di tepi jalan menuju kampus Universitas Madinah di dekat Istana Raja ke jurusan Wadi Aqiq atau di atas sebuah bukit kecil di Utara Harrah Wabrah, Madinah.
Pada permulaan Islam, orang melakukan shalat dengan menghadap kiblat ke arah Baitul Maqdis di Yerussalem/Palestina. Pada tahun ke 2 Hijriyah hari Senin bulan Rajab waktu dhuhur di masjid Salamah ini, tiba-tiba turunlah wahyu surat Al Baqarah ayat 144.
Dalam shalat tersebut mula-mula Rasulullah SAW menghadap ke arah masjidil Aqsa tetapi setelah turun ayat tersebut di atas, beliau menghentikan sementara, kemudian meneruskan shalat dengan memindahkan arah kiblat menghadap ke Masjidil Haram.
Adapun wahyu yang diturunkan Allah untuk mengubah arah kiblat tersebut :
Sungguh Kami (sering) melihat mukamu menengadah ke langit, maka sungguh Kami akan memalingkan kamu ke kiblat yang kamu sukai. Palingkanlah mukamu ke arah Masjidil Haram. Dan di mana saja kamu berada, palingkanlah mukamu ke arahnya. Dan sesungguhnya orang-orang (Yahudi dan Nasrani) yang diberi al Kitab (Taurat dan Injil) memang mengetahui bahwa berpaling ke Masjidil Haram itu adalah benar dari Allahnya dan Allah sekali-kali tidak lengah dari apa yang mereka kerjakan”. (Albaqarah: 144).
Merujuk dengan peristiwa tersebut, lalu Masjid ini dinamakan Masjid Qiblatain, yang artinya masjid berkiblat dua.
Menurut sejarah, Masjid Qiblatain ini adalah masjid pertama yang didirikan oleh Rasullulah sewaktu mampir di Quba dalam perjalanan (hijrah) beliau ke Madinah. Masjid Qiblatain, merupakan salah satu tempat ziarah di Madinah bagi jamaah haji maupun umrah dari seluruh dunia.
Masjid Qiblatain mengalami beberapa kali pemugaran di antaranya pada tahun 893 H atau 1543 M oleh Sultan Sulaiman. Pemerintah Kerajaan Arab Saudi sekarang juga mengadakan perluasan dan pembangunan konstruksi baru, namun tidak menghilangkan ciri kas masjid tersebut.masjid ni, ada dua kubah. satu semasa kiblatkan masjid Aqsa dan satu lagi kiblat Baitullah.
lepas tu, kami semua gie ke pasar kurma. bersoping kurma. di sebabkan aku dah beli kurma kat uhud, maka aku beli kekacang jerr.. alhamdulillah harga kurma kat uhud masih lagi murah compare to pasar kurma.
pemandangan lepas asar di depan hotel. ramai orang beratur untuk dapatkan makanan. kalo aku beratur, insya Allah aku pun dapat.
jom jom solat maghrib
aku rasa semua jemaah alam masjid nabawi menangis. bukan menangis teresak2, tapi menangis bersungguh sambil mengaminkan doa yang di baca oleh imam. aku? memang la bahasa arab aku tak faham tapi. tapi seolah2 apa yang di baca boleh imam aku faham butirannya... memang aku menghayati bait2 perkataan yang di ungkapkan. sangat2 menyentuh hati.
bila aku kuar dari masjid, tunggu enche affa kat tempat biasa, aku nengok enche affa pun menangis. memang sebak sesangat..
Ni, Doa Qunut yang di baca oleh Sheikh AbdulRahman Sudais
inilah imam yang mengimamkan sembahyang terawaih & witir dan inilah doa qunut yang di baca.
O Allah! All Praise be to you. You are the Light of the heavens and the earth and all beings therein.
And All Praise be to you. You are the Self-subsisting, Eternal of the heavens and the earth and all beings therein.
And All Praise be to you. You are the Truth (reality) and your saying is the truth (reality) and your promise is the truth (reality). And your meeting is the truth (reality).
And the prophets are truth (reality). And Muhammad may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him is truth (reality).
And Paradise is the truth (reality). And the Hell fire is the truth (reality). And the Hour is truth (reality).
And you are Allah. The Affectionate (Full of Pity and kindness) The Most Merciful.
Glory be to you our lord, How Great (tremendous) you are.
Glory be to you our lord, How Gracious (supreme in Honor) you are.
Glory be to you our lord, How Forbearing (Clement) you are.
Glory be to you our lord, How Merciful you are.
Glory be to you, we have not worshiped you as you ought to be worshiped.
There is no god but thou: glory to thee: we were indeed among the wrong-doer.
Your grace was general on us, so you have guided, and so All Praise be to you.
And your generosity (goodness) was general on us, so you have bestowed upon us (provided) and so All Praise be to you.
And your Forbearance was general on us, so you have covered our mistakes from people and so All Praise be to you.
And Praise be to you in all circumstances (states).
And we seek refuge into you from the state of the people of error (misguided).
O Allah! We ask you faith that doesn’t turn back.
And pleasures that do not deplete
And the company of your prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in the highest part of the paradise of eternity.
O Allah! We ask you of all the good things, near or later (in life), what we know of and what we do not know of.
And we seek refuge into you from all the evil things, near or later (in life), what we know of and what we do not know of.
And we ask you the same good things that your prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) have asked you, and your righteous slaves.
And we seek refuge into you from the same evils that your prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) have sought refuge into you from, and your righteous slaves.
O Allah! Honor Islam and the Muslims.
And humiliate polytheism and the polytheists.
And destroy the enemies of the "Deen" (this religion).
And make this country (town) safe and secure, generous and comfortable and the rest of the countries (towns-lands) of Muslims as well.
O Allah! Secure us (from harm) in our nations (lands).
And amend (correct) our leaders and those responsible of us.
And strengthen (support) with truth our Imam (leader) and the one responsible of us.
O Allah! Cause him to come to your guidance and make his work for the sake of pleasing you.
And establish for him the righteous company that guides him to what is good and helps him on establishing it.
O Allah! Cause (lead) him and his deputy to what has in it the honoring of Islam and the amending of the Muslims.
And to what is good for the land and the people.
O who owns this life and the hereafter and who to him is the meeting.
O Allah! To this country protect its beliefs.
And its leadership and its safety and its coherence and its unity.
Lord of full of Majesty, Bounty and Honor.
O Allah! We ask you using your most beautiful names and by your characteristics that are most high that you correct (fix) the state of the Muslims everywhere.
O Allah! Relieve them from poverty ignorance and illnesses.
Lord of full of Majesty, Bounty and Honor.
O Allah! We ask you special mercy from you that with it you guide our hearts and by it you correct (fix – enhance) our states (circumstances) and unit with it our separation. O Allah! And protect (prevent) us by it from all harm (evils).
Lord of full of Majesty, Bounty and Honor.
Lord of bounty and bestowed grace.
O Who stretches forth his hands with givings (gifts)!
O Who stretches forth his hands with givings (gifts)!
We ask you safety from trial and calamities and to forgive all our sins and errors. O Strong one! O Mighty one!
O who his soldiers can not be defeated and his promise can not be broken.
We ask you O Allah! To give victory (support) to our brothers the Mujahideen in all places.
We ask you to make them victorious over your enemy and their enemy,
O Strong one! O Mighty one!
O Allah! Confound the aggressing (assaulting) disbelievers those who debar (men) from your path and those who fight the people of your religion.
O Allah! Send down upon them your wrath (pestilence) and punishment O Lord or Truth.
O who's rope (covenant) is strong (strict) and who's purpose (command) is right-minded (right-directed). We ask you safety on the day whereof Warning (had been given) (threatened Day) and Paradise as the Eternal Home with (the company off) those brought near (to you) the witnesses (martyrs), those who bow down and prostrate themselves (to you) and those who fulfill their contracts (promises). You are full of mercy and loving-kindness. You (can) do what you will.
O' Allah! Verily you are forgiving; you love to forgive, so forgive us.
O' Allah! Verily you are forgiving, generous (noble); you love to forgive, so forgive us.
O' Allah! Verily you are forgiving, generous (noble); you love to forgive, so forgive us.
O' who is constant in kindness.
O' who is constant in kindness.
O' who overlooks (our evil deeds) with kindness (and generosity).
O' who is great in being Gracious (bestowing a favor).
O' whom his pardoning (indulgence) is full of honor and generosity.
O' who is ample in forgiveness (vast mercy).
O' who's mercy encompasses (extends to, embraces) all things.
O' Allah! We call unto you by your most great name.
Which if you are asked by you grant (give).
And if you are called by you answer.
That you set free our necks from the hell-fire (save us from hell).
O' Allah set free our necks and the necks of our fathers and mothers from the hell-fire.
By your mercy O' Exalted one in Might, O' great Forgiver.
Our Lord! Give unto us in the world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and guard us from the doom of Fire.
Our Lord! Bestow on us Mercy from Thyself, and dispose of our affair for us in the right way!
O Allah! We seek refuge in your acceptance (pleasure) from your wrath (condemnation).
And in your safety from your punishment.
And in you from you.
We can not encompass all the praise that is due to you.
You are as you have praised yourself.
And O Allah! Send your blessings upon the chosen (from amongst all) prophet the chosen (preferred) messenger and the loved one that you are pleased with our prophet Muhammad ibn Abd-Allah and upon his family the guiding stars and his companions the full moons of right conduct (warding off evil) and darkness and those who followed them and those who followed after them with righteousness (goodness) and those who walked on their way (of thinking) and followed, and send your blessings, a sending of blessings that is vast (much).
malam tu, kalo ada yang tak menangis, rasanya.. memang hatinya sangat2 keras.
another one,
Surah Al Humaza : Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.
- وَيْلٌ لِكُلِّ هُمَزَةٍ لُمَزَةٍ Kecelakaanlah bagi setiap pengumpat lagi pencela,
- الَّذِي جَمَعَ مَالا وَعَدَّدَهُ yang mengumpulkan harta dan menghitung-hitung,
- يَحْسَبُ أَنَّ مَالَهُ أَخْلَدَهُ dia mengira bahawa hartanya itu dapat mengkekalkannya,
- كَلا لَيُنْبَذَنَّ فِي الْحُطَمَةِ sekali-kali tidak! Sesungguhnya dia benar-benar akan dilemparkan ke dalam Huthamah
- وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا الْحُطَمَةُ Dan tahukah kamu apa Huthamah itu?
- نَارُ اللَّهِ الْمُوقَدَةُ (iaitu) api (yang disediakan) Allah yang dinyalakan,
- الَّتِي تَطَّلِعُ عَلَى الأفْئِدَةِ yang (membakar) sampai ke hati.
- إِنَّهَا عَلَيْهِمْ مُؤْصَدَةٌ Sesungguhnya api itu ditutup rapat atas mereka,
- فِي عَمَدٍ مُمَدَّدَةٍ (sedang mereka itu) diikat pada tiang-tiang yang panjang.
letih betul hari ni. sangat2. memang berpuasa di madinah sangat2 mencabar. letih dan dahaga sangat2 terasa. lapar tak de la pulak.
esok petang, dah nak gie mekah.. best nyer.. tapi sedih sesangat nak meninggalkan baginda nabi Muhammad saw.


....from kekwa22 with love....
“Jika tak dapat apa yang kita suka, belajarlah menyukai apa yg kita dapat… dan bersyukurlah dengan apa yang kita ada..”
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