lepas jerr balik keje.. terus jerr packing2 dan terus balik ipoh... sampai jerr ipoh.. terus mengadap maharaja lawak...
pagi sabtu.. apa lagi.. bermalas2 le jawabnya. gie jenjalan umah opah enche affa sambil skodeng buah2 manggis. dapat le jugak. tinggi gilerr pokoknya...
then, petang2 tu balik umah opah plak kat kenering.. sampai jerr umah pah.. teruja betul dengan buah2 durian yang sangat banyak lagi lebat.. peerrgghhh.. mujur belum gugur lagi.. kalo tak.. mau aku jadi pak gad pokok durian.. gugur jerr sebiji.. zassss.. terus boleh rembat. lupa plak nak ambil gambo.. may be sebab teruja sangat.. banyak weeeiii... buah durian.. rambutan pun belum masak.. kebetulan this week ramai yang balik umah pah. so, apa lagi.. rasa macam raya la pulak.
lepas tido umah pah semalam, terus jerr balik umah mak. mak sorang jerr kat kg. lepas solat zuhur.. terus jerr siap2 gie penang plak. sebabnya abang lim nak belanja makan durian balik pulau. durian balik pulau memang terkenal dengan ke'marbelesan'nya..
pergi, kitaorang naik feri. memang best naik feri.. angin banyak.. anak mama le yang suke sangat. sampai sanggup tahan tanak tido sebab teruja nak naik feri. mak dengan adik ikut gak..
before durian time, kitaorang gie jenjalan dulu.. sekitar penang.. tak ada tujuan pun.. tapi sebab dah janji ngan armand nak gi toy museum.. maka.. kena le mencapaikan hasrat anak bujang aku yang sorang tu.

sampai jerr toy museum, armand bukan main teruja lagi.. cerr tengok aksi2 orang yang tersangat hepi. sangat2 hepi.. haa.. inilah orangnya...
lepas abis jerr 2 kali pusing toy museum dia ajak kitaorang gie animal museum. makk ooii.. sape plak yang ajar animal museum. plak tu lancar jer sebutannya.. 'mama jom pergi animal museum' err ada ke animal mesuem? bukan zoo ke? kerr.. anak mama ni, dah terpengaruh dengan citer night at mesuem.
bila nampak jerr hotel.. dah dia kecoh2. bapak, jom gie swimpol. swimming pool. hamboi2... enche affa cakap, 'dulu masa bapak umo 3 tahun, tak tahu pun swimpol tu apa dia' tu dia.. contoh budak2 zaman sekarang yang advance. tu, baru 3 tahun.
then kita orang jenjalan kat pantai batu feringgi dan kampung nelayan. teruja betul... hepi bukan main armand iskandar.
mak oooii kat lereng2 bukit banyak betul durian. stall2 durian banyak giler... di sebabkan abang lim dah pesan jangan beli.. so, kita orang hanya menjamu mata jerr la... teruja betul.. tapi geram jerrr menengokkan buah2 durian yang beso2
mula2 pelik plak bila nengok cam ni... ada plak tali2 yang di ikat pada setiap biji buah durian. perrgghh gigih betul memanjat dan mengikat sampai kerrr hujung dahan.. durian nyerr pasal kan....


sangat marbeles..

kalo nak tahu jenis2 durian kat balik pulau ni.. cerr tengok website ni, tapi aku tolong copipes dah..
A Durian Feast
If you are fortunate to attend a feast of branded durians, do not gorge on the fruits. You are wasting good durians, and after consuming from over six or seven different fruits, you are unlikely to be able to differentiate or remember the taste of one from the other. You wouldn't even recall the name of your favourite. To learn the different fruits you are tasting, this is my recommendation of what you should do:Get a plate, cutlery, a bowl of water to wash your fingers, tissue paper, drinking water, notepad and pen. Ensure that the vendor identifies the durian as he opens it for you. Write down its name on your notepad and number it. Transfer one piece to the plate. Don't start eating yet. Wait till the vendor has opened all the variety of durians and identified them - naturally you'd need sufficient participants to be able to taste that many durians, so it's a good idea to attend one of AsiaExplorers Durian Feasts. We have held regular durian feasts since 2004, and although many want to join our feasts, I limit the number to just about 35 or so per trip.
By the time the vendor has opened all the different durians, you should have a good selection on your plate, all identified and numbered. Now you can start enjoying your durian experience. Durians should be taken with your fingers. Try a bit of one, then wash your fingers, dry them, and try another. In this way, you can tell the taste of different durians apart. Jot notes to help you remember the difference. You will quickly learn what type of durian you like, whether the sweet or bittersweet ones. Some have the slightly fermented aroma of liquor to it. These are all good durians that should be appreciated at its fullest.
Good Durian Pages
I am happy with those who have used my photographs but have attributed the source. Here are those which I have found:If you like to be added to this list, send me an email after you have created your webpage or blog entry. Your article has to use the photos below and also place a link to either AsiaExplorers (http://www.asiaexplorers.com/) or Penang Travel Tips (http://www.penang-traveltips.com/)

The following is a selection of branded durians which I photographed since 2004. They include the durians photographed during the annual AsiaExplorers Durian Feasts.
Kim HooThe Kim Hoo or Gold Fish Durian comes from a plantation in Balik Pulau, but I came across it at the Jelutong Market on 12 June, 2010, where I bought for RM13. | ![]() |
![]() | D11"Number Eleven" is a very popular durian in the 70's. It has creamy yellow flesh with a pleasant taste and a subtle smell. AsiaExplorers first documented this durian in 2004. |
D604The D604 was first cultivated by the late Mr. Teh Hew Hong of Sungai Pinang, Balik Pulau. The flesh is quite sweet, and has some "body" to it as the seed is small. AsiaExplorers first documented this durian in 2004. | ![]() |
![]() | D600This durian originates in Sungai Pinang in Balik Pulau. The flesh has a bittersweet taste to it, with a touch of sourness. The one that I documented is a bit hard. AsiaExplorers first documented this durian in 2004. |
D700The flesh is darker than D600, like chrome yellow. Also slightly hard. Crispy, but the smell is not very strong. | ![]() |
![]() | Ang Sim (Red Heart)Ang Sim is a durian with flesh which is quite soft and very sweet, and dark yellow in colour. It also has a nice aroma. AsiaExplorers first documented this durian in 2004 and again in 2006. |
Khun PohThis durian takes the name of the late Mr Lau Khun Poh, who first budded it. Khun Poh has beautiful orangy flesh with a slightly bitter-sweet taste and a heavy aroma. AsiaExplorers first documented this durian in 2004. | ![]() |
![]() | Hor Loh (Water Gourd Durian)The flesh of the Hor Loh is very soft, dry and quite bitter. It has a sharp smell to it. Hor Loh was first cultivated at the Brown orchard of Sungai Ara. It got its name from its appearance resembling a "Hor Lor" pumpkin. If the durian hits the ground hard when it falls, the flesh tends to be bitter thereafter. AsiaExplorers first documented this durian in 2004 and again in 2006. |
Ang Heh (Red Prawn Durian)Ang Heh originates from Pondok Upeh, Balik Pulau, and has a round-shaped husk. The orange reddish flesh is highly aromatic, very soft with a bitter-sweet taste. AsiaExplorers first documented this durian in 2004 and again in 2006. | ![]() |
![]() | Xiao Hung (Little Red Durian)Xiao Hung, whose name means "Little Red One," originates in Sungai Pinang, Balik Pulau. The flesh has a bittersweet taste to it, with a touch of sourness. The one that I tasted for this write-up is a bit hard. There are only one or two seeds per section, but the flesh is thick. AsiaExplorers first documented this durian in 2004. |
Yah Kang (Centipede Durian)Yah Kang is one of my favourite durians. Although its flesh is whitish, the taste is superb, milky, like very sweet, melting chocolate. The name "yah kang" means centipede, and accounts for the number of centipedes found at the foot of the tree, hence giving it the rather unusual name. AsiaExplorers first documented this durian in 2004 and again in 2006. | ![]() |
![]() | Bak Eu (Pork Fat Durian)Bak Eu has a slightly acidic aroma. The flesh is whitish while the taste is quite bitter but nice. AsiaExplorers first documented this durian in 2004. |
The following are some of the durians I tried the first time at Peng Siew Durian orchard in Titi Serong, Balik Pulau, on the 2006 AsiaExplorers Durian Feast, on 17 June, 2006.
D17D17 is dark cream flesh. The taste is slightly dry but sweet. It is a tasty durian. AsiaExplorers first documented this durian in 2006. | ![]() |
![]() | CouplingThis durian is gets its unusual name because it looks like two durians joined together, one big and one small. When split open, you almost thought the two halves belong to two different durians. Coupling has whitish flesh which is slightly dry but tastes good. AsiaExplorers first documented this durian in 2006. |
Ooi Kyau (Tumeric Durian)The name Ooi Kyau (tumeric) describes the colour of the bright yellow flesh of this durian. It is very sweet and tasty. AsiaExplorers first documented this durian in 2006. | ![]() |
![]() | Chaer Phoy (Green Skin Durian)Chaer Phoy is shaped like a small canteloupe. The skin is bright green, giving it the name which means "green skin". Chaer Phoy has creamy white flesh which is a bit dry, not too sweet but tasty. AsiaExplorers first documented this durian in 2006. |
Ang Jin (Red Yoke Durian)As the name suggests, Ang Jin Durian has deep orange flesh. It is very sweet and tasty. AsiaExplorers first documented this durian in 2006. | ![]() |
![]() | Lin Fong JiauThis durian is named after Lin Fong Jiau, aka Mrs Jackie Chan. I wonder whether it is indicative of the relationship of the celebrity couple, for Lin Fong Jiau is a bittersweet durian, for too bitter for my liking. The flesh is whitish and wet. AsiaExplorers first documented this durian in 2006. |
The following durian is what I tried the first time at Bao Sheng orchard in Titi Kerawang, on the 2007 AsiaExplorers Durian Feast, on 24 May, 2007.
D15The D15 has yellow yellow and its taste is sweet with a slight trace of bitterness. The flesh is quite substantial. | ![]() |
rendang ayam...

rasa macam nak raya la plak..
yang ni,

kobis goreng cajun

....from kekwa22 with love....
“Jika tak dapat apa yang kita suka, belajarlah menyukai apa yg kita dapat… dan bersyukurlah dengan apa yang kita ada..”
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