hari ni, pagi2 lagi aku dah bengang. aku tak tau ni kali ke berapa. tapi malam tadi paling worst. pukul 4am++ aku terjaga sebab bising2. time ni la aku dengar orang bercakap punya la kuat. suara beberapa orang. sorang lagi menangis. cakap dengan bahasa yang aku tak faham. sampai aku terjaga. bukan aku jerr.. tapi ogie pun sama. ni orang sebelah la ni.. memekak. ni bukan kali pertama okeh!. aku memang hangin.
aku pun tak paham, selalu sangat pagi2 buta cam ni riuh. kalo tak, tak dengar bunyi apa pun. kekadang tu pukul 3am aku terjaga sebab diorang mandi. mandi plak punya la lama.. sepanjang diorang mandi tu aku tak leh tido. bukan diorang mandi tu sambil bising. tapi dengar air curahan tu.. bising.
tapi, kalo aku bengang pun.. bukan dapat apa.. tu.. umah diorang kan... ikut suka diorang la... tapi... aku terjaga maaa.. dah la nak tido susah nak lelap. pastu kalo dah terjaga cam tu.. lagi susah nak lelap... wawawawawawa
dalam opis aku pagi tadi hanya ada aku dgn my boss. azam dah kemana2 kat production tu. kamal plak, macam biasa. ada pada waktu2 tertentu jerr.. fiza half day. at tak tau ke mana pi.. tak nampak batang idung. din-trainee aku tak nampak sepanjang hari. moral of the story, my office, sunyi sepi. cuma petang jerr baru meriah.
semalam aku dah buat dgn appointment dgn nurse, dr aminuddin, tapi aku rasa aku malas nak gie. maka aku cansel. nanti2 la.. on khamis aku gie.. hehehe. sebab apa on khamis? sebab hari rabu tu, aku nak gie main badminton dulu. hahahaha... tapi tertakluk pada pindaan. tak janji.
Hari ni, di sebabkan aku rasa aku tak de mende nak buat, maka melancarkan satu project. tapi sebelum tu, aku dah discuss dgn my boss sama ada project aku ni boleh di guna pakai or tak. hahahah.. tu penting tu mendapat restu dulu. sebabnya nanti, sape nak sign aku nyer PR? sila jawab dalam masa 2 saat.
my project name is 'tool box'.

ada2 jerr aku ni.. hahaha. tapi ok la.. tak de buang masa. hope aku tak bosan lagi. 1st step dah bermula.
Malam ni, aku layan this movie
After years of dating, Zoe (Jennifer Lopez) has decided waiting for the right one is taking too long. Determined to become a mother, she commits to a plan, makes an appointment and decides to go it alone. On the day of her artificial insemination, Zoe meets Stan (Alex O’Loughlin) – a man with real possibilities. Trying to nurture a budding relationship and hide the early signs of pregnancy becomes a comedy of errors for Zoe and creates confusing signals for Stan. When Zoe nervously reveals the reason for her unpredictable behavior, Stan commits fully and says he’s in. Never before has love seen a courtship where a wild night of sex involves three in a bed – Stan, Zoe and the ever—present massive pregnancy pillow. Or, where “date night” consists of being the “focal point” at a near—stranger’s water birth which does for kiddie pools what “Jaws” did for swimming in the ocean. The real pregnancy test comes when both of them realize they really don’t know each other outside of hormonal chaos and birth preparations. With the nine month clock ticking, both begin to experience cold feet. Anyone can fall in love, get married and have a baby but doing it backwards in hyper—drive could be proof positive that they were made for each other.ok la. not bad.

....from kekwa22 with love....
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