Persoalan memanggil
Di benak yg paling mendalam
sehingga menjadi ralit
Semakin jiwa dilanda
Gelora Sang Penanti
Semakin sukar difahami
Puncanya gelisah ku ini
Hanya kekosongan
Jua kehilangan
Menghuni hati
Di mana kan ku temui
Penghujungnya resah ini
Seumpama ku menanti sejawapan Rindu
Di mana kan ku temui
Oh sinaran yg hakiki
Untuk menjadi penyuluh
Jalan didepanku
Hingga akhir waktu
Andainya kau temui
Cahaya yang ku cari
Sudikah dikongsi bersama
Sebagai teman mahupun sebagai kekasih
merenung bayangan jauh
Menatap pengertian
Menyelam dasar persoalan
Menyelongkar kemuncak maksud

26 May 2008
Jawapan Rindu
Sejatikah Sebuah Cinta
Sejatikah sebuah cinta
Hanya bermain dengan perasaan
Wujudkah sebuah kebahagiaan
Tanpa kesetiaan dan kejujuran
Bermaknakah sebuah janji
Tanpa diiringi keikhlasan
Bersungguhkah sebuah kejujuran
Seandainya bersulamkan dusta
Kekalkah sebuah perhubungan
Yang terjalin di atas dasar kasihan
Teguhkah sebuah ikatan
Sekadar untuk menjaga hati dan perasaan
Mestikah sebuah pertemuan
Diakhiri dengan perpisahan
Unggulkah sebuah rindu
Yang diselubungi pelbagai rasa
Benarkah sebuah penantian
Adalah satu penyeksaan
Terkuburkah sebuah harapan
Setelah sekian lama bersemi
Tercalarkah sebuah cinta
Yang digamit kenangan silam
Tercapaikah sebuah impian
Dengan hanya berangan-angan
Terjadikah sebuah kenyataan
Biarpun tanpa kerelaan
Bahagiakah sebuah kehidupan
Tanpa perasaan kasih dan sayang
Pudarkah sebuah kasih sayang
Andai kebencian sudah mengundang di hati
Ke manakah sebuah cita-cita
Yang diiringi doa dan harapan
Maniskah sebuah kejayaan
Tanpa dikongsi dengan orang yang tersayang
Retakkah sebuah istana
Dengan kehadiran insan ketiga
Berhargakah sebuah pengorbanan
Insan yang bernama wanita
Terubatkah sebuah kekecewaan
Jika hati sudah terluka
Mampukah sebuah kemaafan
Mengubati hati yang berkecai
Mengapakah sebuah kelukaan
Meninggalkan kesan yang teramat mendalam…
22 May 2008
A Friend Whos Always There

If I could catch a rainbow
I would do it just for you,
And share with you its beauty
On the days you're feeling blue
If I could build a mountain
You could call your very own,
A place to find serenity,
A place to be alone
If I could take your troubles
I would toss them in the sea,
But all these things I'm finding
Are impossible for me
I cannot build a mountain,
Or catch a rainbow fair,
But let me be what I know best,
A friend who's always there
Don't lie to yourself

Don't lie to yourself- see everything for exactly what it is. You have friends and family that love you. Learn How to be thankful. Think of all the things you have to be happy about. Relax, calm down, take things slower. No one has everything, and everyone has something of sorrow intermingled with gladness of life. The trick is to make the laughter outweigh the tears. We cannot change the past, but we can enjoy today, and look to the future. But if we are prepared to take ownership for the past and accept that everything that happened in our life, good and bad, has made us the person we are - the battle is half won.
Be yourself. You can't please everybody. Much criticism is caused by people who are discontented with themselves, not you. Comparing yourself to others is rarely accurate in your personal life (obviously: they are themselves - you are you!). In the first place, no one knows what other people are going through. More importantly, when you compare yourself to other people, you often see yourself on the "short end". See how this is not helpful to you or your goals. One way to get 'in touch with yourself' is through journaling, diaries or (lately) blogs. Your goal may be to open up completely to yourself and learn to be your best friend by knowing that the truth (to yourself) will set you free from fear! Practice self-acceptance - or learn to transform from mistakes. Find ways to enjoy things you are uncomfortable with. You'll respect yourself for getting through challenges, and that self-respect will make you happy.
Choose your friends carefully. Nearly everyone needs someone who cares for them and treats them well. If you have friends who are treating you badly, then ditch them and find friends that do care about you. If you can't find any friends like that in your current circumstances, then look elsewhere. If you're feeling sad, there's nothing like going out with your friends to make you feel better. Surround yourself with friends who are positive, encouraging, and helpful. We all need this continuing, positive encouragement to make solid positive progress in life.
20 May 2008
Between Marriage and Studies

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "Whoever follows a route in pursuit of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise." (Muslim)
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "When a person gets married he has completed half of his religion, so let him fear Allah with regard to the remaining half." (authenticated by Al-Albani)
These two sayings of our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) are guidelines for a Muslim's life. We should strive to follow both, completing ourselves holistically. But what happens when marriage and education collide, shattering our carefully planned lives? Which then is preferable — marriage or studies?
Undoubtedly, the importance of marriage in Islam cannot be overemphasized. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Oh youth! Whoever of you can get married should get married for it helps in lowering the gaze and guarding one's chastity" (Agreed upon).
Marriage is a beautiful institution designed for a man and a woman to fulfill their natural needs for each other and to create a family. It is the basic foundation of all societies. A society without marriage will most certainly be riddled with problems. Islam encourages us to marry young to prevent us from sinning.
However, Islam is for all ages and takes into account the situation of the time. In today's world, education is empowerment. It gives people confidence to use their intellect and confidence in themselves. We find many young women who are practicing Islam at the university, furthering their education, yet maintaining their modesty. In this way they are preparing themselves to be able to contribute to their society and raise the level of their children and their family. If such a person gets divorced or widowed, she will have something to fall back onto. Does it have to be a cold, hard choice between marriage and education? Why can't it be both?
Let us take a glimpse into the lives of four women. Sameera is 18. She has just completed her high school certificate and wants to study law. However, she has received a good marriage proposal. Upon seeking advice from a sheikh, she was told to abandon her studies and get married. She wants to do what is "Islamically" correct, but she also wants to be happy within. Raeesa is 28. A medical doctor, she is now specializing to be a cardiologist. A beautiful woman, she has rejected proposal after proposal, intent on her studies. Having a successful career is important to her, and she feels marriage can wait. Tasneem is 22. She has her bachelor's in psychology and is now pursuing her master's. Soon after graduating, she got married. For her, marriage completes her. She has what she's always strived for — a good education and a good husband. Amina is 32. She was happily married for ten years, content with her life. Then, suddenly and shockingly, her husband divorced her. She had lived for her husband and children, and now finds herself floating aimlessly. Now she wished she had studied first, as her parents had wanted.
Tasneem's story is clearly the scenario we all want to enact. She's satisfied on all levels. Islam is about moderation on all levels. Therefore, we should never choose the extreme option. Why is it that when a young woman talks of wanting to further her studies, some people immediately assume she cares only for her career and will neglect her family? Most young women who have studied will tell you otherwise.
They study to satisfy their natural thirst for knowledge. There are also a large number of women who would rather not work. They will place their families before their careers, and prefer to work only part-time or not at all. There are many who feel that education on all fronts enables them to practice their deen more strongly. It enables them to help others on many levels.
For example, a psychologist will deal with a patient's problems in an Islamic manner, guiding the patient closer to Allah. So you don't want to be forced to choose either marriage or studies? Is there a way you can do both? In the Arab world especially, people often make the official marriage contract but don't move in together right away. The marriage is not consummated, but they may legally spend time alone together. In this way, both the man and woman may pursue their studies while married. This system holds many advantages and is gaining popularity among Muslims in non-Muslim countries, too. In this way, a couple may get to know each other better prior to living together. They may save for married life, and no matter what their pursuits, they are safe in the knowledge of being married.
Our every action is based on intention. If we are studying for the benefit of mankind, for the cause of our Muslim Ummah, then our studies will be a source of reward for us. Let us use this precious education wisely. There are some scholars who say that a girl's schooling should stop once she possesses the basic skills of reading and writing. I cannot but disagree with this. We are all aware of the famous saying "If you educate a man, you educate an individual. But if you educate a woman, you educate a nation." How then will it be possible for a woman who possesses only basic literacy skills to teach her children? What knowledge will she impart to them? If the love for learning has not been instilled in her, how will she instill it in her children?
`A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) was one of the greatest scholars of Islamic history. She memorized over two thousand Hadith, and the Companions sought knowledge at her feet. The important point is that no matter what a woman studies, as long as her intention is to use it for the benefit of Islam, it will be a source of reward for her. Let us not deny women a basic right, but let women not abuse this right either. Let women not have to choose between two basic needs. Let them be allowed to live harmoniously with fulfilling both.\ 8/04.shtml
Zikrullah pengubat jiwa
Penyebutan dan ingatan kepada Allah (zikrullah) secara terus-terang dengan penuh istiqamah akan membiasakan hati dan jiwa kita untuk sentiasa dekat dan akrab dengan Allah. Secara tidak disedari, kesannya berkait dengan berkembangnya kecintaan yang mendalam terhadap Allah.
Rasulullah saw memberikan perintah berzikir dan memberi contoh berzikir dengan perkataan, perbuatan atau isyarat. Berzikir dengan wirid yang ditentukan Rasulullah dilakukan setiap solat wajib dengan membaca ‘subhanallah, ‘alhamdulillah’ dan ‘allahuakbar’ sebanyak 33 kali.
Pengubatan melalui zikir juga digabungkan dengan pengubatan fizikal, penyucian diri dan aktiviti tertentu, bahkan aktiviti terbabit diikuti pula dengan amalan berzikir. Kaedah zikir dalam Islam mirip aktiviti meditasi dalam Budha dan Hindu.
Proses psikoterapinya dilakukan dengan meditasi untuk membantu proses penyembuhan fizikal dan jiwa. Proses meditasi ini adalah jambatan yang menghubungkan konsep pemahaman kemampuan spiritual dengan ilmu perubatan moden. Ilmu psikiatri moden mengajar bahawa kemampuan manusia tertinggi terletak pada otak yang mengatur fizikal dan mental, sedangkan pengetahuan kerohanian mengajarkan kekuatan kerohanian manusia yang mengatur fikiran dan fizikal dalam otak. Bukan satu kebetulan tindak balas meditasi dan pengalaman keagamaan seperti zikir memiliki sumber yang sama dalam otak.
Oleh kerana itu, zikir adalah saranan sufi untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Allah. Dari sini muncullah pelbagai kaedah atau tarekat. Kaedah terbabit disandarkan kepada pengasasnya (muassis). Misalnya, Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah disandarkan kepada Khauja Baha’Ad-Din Naqsyabandi (w. 1390), Tarekat Qadariyah disandarkan kepada Muhy’Ad-Din Abd Al-Qadir Al-Jailani (w. 1266), Tarekat Syadziliyyah disandarkan kepada Abu Hasan As-Syadzili serta puluhan tarekat yang lain.
Namun, titik pertemuan mereka berada pada keupayaan untuk sentiasa mengucapkan zikir yang paling utama iaitu kalimah ‘La Ilaha Illa Allah’ (tiada Tuhan selain Allah).
Secara psikologi, mengingati Allah dalam alam kesedaran akan menimbulkan penghayatan akan kehadiran Allah yang sentiasa mengetahui segala tindak-tanduk yang nyata atau yang tersembunyi.
Gangguan kejiwaan pada dasarnya dimulai daripada rasa cemas sedangkan masalah cemas timbul kerana adanya ketakutan terhadap hal-hal yang belum terjadi. Perasaan cemas biasanya muncul apabila kita berasa dalam satu keadaan yang dijangka akan merugikan dan dilihat mengancam diri kita pada saat kita berasa tidak mampu menghadapinya.
Ada pelbagai pendapat dari sudut pandangan psikologi terhadap masalah cemas. Ada yang menyatakan rasa cemas sebagai penyebab utama pelbagai gangguan kejiwaan. Ada juga yang menyatakan cemas sebagai kehampaan dalam hidup kerana mereka tidak berjaya menemui makna dalam kehidupan.
Banyak kaedah terapi yang digunakan oleh ahli perubatan untuk mengatasi rasa cemas. Pendekatan zikir bagi penderita gangguan jiwa adalah sangat berkesan kerana ia akan mengembangkan segala unsur yang mendukung wacana dan dunia psikoterapi Islam. Zikir mengandungi unsur psikoterapeutik yang berkesan, tidak terhad dari sudut kesihatan mental bahkan dari kesihatan fizikal dan seumpamanya.
Dari sudut ilmiah, terbukti zikir mewujudkan komitmen keagamaan seseorang walhal keimanan seseorang adalah kekuatan kerohanian yang dapat dikaji dan dikembangkan untuk mengatasi penyakit atau masalah yang dialami seseorang.
Zikir juga adalah teknik atau kaedah psikoterapi kesufian yang dapat mengubah gejala sosial, jenayah, kecewa dan gangguan mental, menjadi sikap yang terpuji. Sesiapa yang selalu mengingati Allah dalam segala keadaan pasti akan terlepas daripada segala tingkah laku yang jahat dan perbuatan dosa.
Ini kerana dengan berzikir, semakin tebal iman pelaku terbabit, seterusnya mampu mengawal hawa nafsunya sehingga tidak mudah terjerumus ke dalam perbuatan dosa. Zikir dalam tinjauan psikologi memiliki kesan spiritual yang nyata, sebagai penambah keimanan, pengabdian, kejujuran, ketabahan dan kematangan dalam hidup.
Hal ini adalah kaedah yang paling berkesan untuk membentuk dan membina keperibadian yang utuh kerana salah satu tujuan psikoterapi sufi adalah untuk mencapai darjat kehidupan atau akhlak yang lebih baik daripada sebelumnya.
Burung yang patah sayapnya…..

Sayap yang patah sebelah cuba untuk terus terbang. Cuma mampu untuk melihat sekawan burung yang lain terbang tinggi di awan. Seperti burung-burung helang bergantian dengan yang lain di hadapan. Maju dan terus maju.
Sedangkan burung yang patah sayapnya tiada peluang. Seolah-olah ketinggalan dalam medan perjuangan. Sedangkan perjuangan itu juga yang diimpikan bersama dengan yang lain. Apakah patah sayapnya akibat kecelakaan? Atau kerana kelemahannya sendiri? Siapa pula yang dapat membantu merawat sayapnya yang patah? Agar sembuh kembali?
Ketika melihat sekawan burung yang berterbangan tinggi, rasa pula kesunyian. Seolah terpinggir dan ketinggalan ke belakang. Adakah dilupakan? Atau mungkin kekuatannya tidak diperlukan lagi? Adakah burung-burung itu akan kembali mencari burung yang patah?
Mungkin, bila lukanya sembuh, burung itu akan kembali berjuang lagi. Sekawan burung yang saling menyokong dan mengerti. Dan bukan hanya dicari setelah tiada burung-burung kuat lain tiada di sisi. Sayap yang patah itu akan menjadi penguat untuk mencari sekawan burung lain yang berbakti di medan berlainan. Meraih semula kekuatan untuk terbang dan menikmati keindahan dunia. Dengan nafas berbeza.
19 May 2008
Segenggam Tabah

Bertali arus dugaan tiba
Menakung sebak airmata
Namun tak pernah pun setitis
Gugur berderai di pipi
Tidak ditempah hidup sengsara
Suratan nasib yang melanda
Menongkah badai bergelora
Diredah bersendirian
Bagaikan camar pulang senja
Patah sayapnya tetap terbang jua
Sekadar secicip rezeki
Buat yang sedang rindu menanti
Segenggam tabah dipertahankan
Buat bekalan di perjalanan
Kau bebat luka yang berdarah
Kau balut hati yang calar
Telah tertulis suratan nasibmu
Derita buatmu ada hikmahnya
Terlukis senyum di bibir lesu
Tak siapa tahu hatimu
Biarpun keruh air di hulu
Mungkinkah jernih di muara
Biarpun jenuh hidup dipalu
Pasti bertemu tenangnya
*... Feel Pain to Know Pain ...*

Wounds scar you, you draw nearer to your home;
Don't flinch from pain or search here for its cure.
Uncauterized your wounds must bleed; endure!
The Conference of the Birds
As i was taught suffering is blessing,
realistically, it was too hard believing
As i feel the pain, and see the wound,
i realise how much i've been through.
It's a trophy for all the strife
to remind me how i survived.
A trophy not for triumph per se
but a lesson that must be relayed
After the pain, so where's the blessing?
Is it just the discovery of my wound and crying?
Retribution? Revenge?Forgiveness?
Its enough to reflect that Allah remembers
Recall His love note for all of us
in verse two-eight-six of the female ox
He promises us, a balanced strengths and tests
to Him, are we to doubt and detest ?
What we learn is the colours
of pain, which differs
not only black, not only white
as a coin, that has two sides
Despite the form, we need to brave
the value pain brings for us as slaves
the pain of Joseph, Jonah and the rest
are too huge to compare to us brats
Allah... guide me well in my journey of pain and suffering.
Guide me well in my LACK of pain and suffering...
as tests are more rigourous
in those forms that are less obvious
Allah.. please help.
18 May 2008
Islam and Science

There is no doubt that from the study of nature i.e. science man is benefited in this world, but the most basic aims of encouraging or advising people for studies of different subjects of science are to let people know by themselves that there is a creator, only one creator of the universe, he is the almighty, scientist of scientists, omnipotent, omnipresent and He is Allah (e.g. 2:225)
"The sun and the moon (move) by precise calculation. And stars and trees prostate (submit obediently to the laws of Allah)"- (55:5-6)
"... You do not see in the creation of the Most Merciful any inconsistency..." - (67:3)
The universe is created in a well organised and balanced way with different components and objects obey natural laws as framed by Allah. This is what I personally believed as sunnatullah. Everything in this world is a Muslim, a tree, bird, water; even gravity is a Muslim, for they all obey willingly to what Allah has created them to be in order to attain harmony and balance in this universe. Everything is in perfect balance and harmony. As a student of science we should use this opportunity to look deeply into any matter regarding the universe, any branches will do fine, as we will find out the beautiful design, operations and laws behind all things, this what I meant as a sunnatullah.
Fine-tuned universe[3] is an idea which connects all the fundamental principles of science (mostly physics) as being in harmony with each other, and were specifically designed as what they are today in order for the universe to not just support the existence of life on earth but also the existence of the universe itself. Indeed, many unbelievers try to deny such idea as it leads men to put the premise that there must be an agency of supreme power, which is Allah.
"And he has subjected to you, as from Him, all that is in the heaven and on earth; behold in that are signs indeed for those who reflect." (45:13)
I will not say that all Muslims should stand for the idea of fine-tuned universe for Allah has all the power to create a universe built on formulae and laws which are different from what we understand today, no doubt. Although we know that it is the gravity that the force responsible to pulled everything back to the ground when it is lifted, we must believed that it is possible if and only if Allah permits it, this is the basis of a faithful student of science, to always put a premise of God in any branches of science he/she studied.
It is obvious that human are greater in authority than any other beings on earth. As Muslims we believe that it is not just a notion of survival, it is because we are given the responsibility as Caliph on this world. Perhaps this is the only reason why we are given with intelligence unlike any other creatures.
"And (mention, O Muhammad), when your Lord said to the angels, “Indeed, I will make upon the earth a Caliph..." (2:30)
Muslim should use the knowledge of science as a tool to bring peace and harmony, and not to violate the nature. We have seen so many destructions brought unto this world by those who lusted for wealth and power. So science will be one of the methods to undo these mistakes. Make use of the knowledge and intelligence which have been given to us.
Scientific Miracles of The Quran*
The Quran is full with miracles that can be explained with science. There are many recently discovered facts that were already present in the Holy Scripture, which was revealed to men 1400 years ago. The creation of the universe, the development of a child in the womb, etc were unknown to the earliest Muslim, even to the prophet Muhammad himself. Thus, it is one of the solid proofs that no one can fabricate the Quran except the Creator himself, then proving that Muhammad is the prophets of Allah and Islam is the true religion.
A non-Muslim scientist acknowledges this fact in his statement:
“Summary: The Qur’an describes not only the development of external form, but emphasizes also the internal stages, the stages inside the embryo, of its creation and development, emphasizing major events recognized by contemporary science.”
Also he said: “As a scientist, I can only deal with things which I can specifically see. I can understand embryology and developmental biology. I can understand the words that are translated to me from the Qur’an. As I gave the example before, if I were to transpose myself into that era, knowing what I knew today and describing things, I could not describe the things which were described. I see no evidence for the fact to refute the concept that this individual, Muhammad, had to be developing this information from some place. So I see nothing here in conflict with the concept that divine intervention was involved in what he was able to write.”[4]
It is perhaps easy to approach a non-Muslim through the door of science. Many of the atheist came from a non-Muslim family or if not, from a non-Muslim community. This is because some of them realize that there are many contradictions with science and the religion they believe. Earliest Christian’s churches will execute death penalties to scientists that put forward statements that contradict with the Christian’s belief, and because it happened so frequently, people resorted not to belief in the religion whenever they encounter contradictions. I believe that some people would be attracted to Islam through the scientific miracles in the Quran and then perhaps revert to Islam, just like this scientist from Chiang Mai University, Professor Tejatat Tejasen;
“During the last three years, I became interested in the Qur’an . . . . From my study and what I have learned from this conference, I believe that everything that has been recorded in the Qur’an fourteen hundred years ago must be the truth that can be proved by the scientific means. Since the Prophet Muhammad could neither read nor write, Muhammad must be a messenger who relayed this truth, which was revealed to him as an enlightenment by the one who iseligible [as the] creator. This creator must be God. Therefore, I think this is the time to say La ilaha illa Allah, there is no god toworship except Allah (God), Muhammadur rasoolu Allah; Muhammad is Messenger (Prophet) of Allah (God). Lastly, I must congratulate for the excellent and highly successful arrangement for this conference . . . . I have gained not only from the scientific point of view and religious point of view but also the great chance of meeting many well-known scientists and making many new friends among the participants. The most precious thing of all that I have gained by coming to this place is La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadur rasoolu Allah, and to have become a Muslim.”[5]
Please take note that, scientific miracles in the Quran are not the only ways to preach Islam to the non-Muslim and might not be the best either. Plus, it can be quite difficult too. The difficulties might occur when a concept or a theory of science that we are trying to explain is not accepted or considered true by the person or people that we are preaching to, example; we cannot convince a non-Muslim that the Quran supports the Big Bang theory if he/she did not believe of the theory in the first place. However, we can pray to Allah to guide and help us in the course of da’wah, Insya-Allah.

Cinta tidak harus melulu dengan kesenangan juga bukan dengan kasedihan. Cinta adalah suatu keadaan manusia yang sedang merefleksikan hatinya sendiri terhadap apa yang sedang dia kagumi.
Love means trust. You are calm, secure and unthreatened. They feel your trust, and it makes them even more trustworthy.
Infatuation might lead you to do things you will regret, but love never steers you in the wrong direction.
Love is an upper. It makes you feel whole. It completes the circle. It fills the empty space in your heart. Love is elevating. It lifts you up. It makes you look up. It makes you think up. It makes you a better person than you were before. If you have love in your life, it can make up for a great many things you don't have. If there is no love in your life, whatever else there is has a lot less meaning.
17 May 2008
To Finally Let Go
There comes a time when we must let go.
let our heart speak.
let the tears flow.
It's never easy for usto do.
But sometimes it's the only
way of healing you.
We will doubt whether
it's right or wrong.
it's the first step that you've
taken in so long.
How things will turn out?
we'll know in the end.
if it's happiness we seek.
It's better to find it.
Rather than just pretend.
16 May 2008
My Friend
You gave me bracelets to cover my scars
You held me close when I was so cold
You offered a comforting hand to hold
You picked me up whenever I fell
You showed me heaven when I was blinded by hell
You answered my calls in the darkened night
You gave me the reasons to hold on and fight
You rescued me when I was drowning in pain
You placed me back on the right path again
You loved me forever and stayed by my side
You entered my heart as an angel to guide
You may not be with me so much anymore
But I know you will leave open a beckoning door
I miss you so much but I'll fight till the end
I love you so much my Bestest friend.
14 May 2008
To understand or not to understand
When the mind is full of thoughts.
It's just the enlightenment which is much needed.
But seems that the night doesnt want to end with a light heart.
I don't like unsettling feelings before closing my eyes to rest.
It's too teary a night.
It's just uncomfortable.
Maybe I think too much.
Or too concerned.
Or disappointed with myself.
Or a spur moment of failure.
It's just hard to understand isn't it?
Of what is felt deep inside?
What's to share when one doesn't even get it?
It's just at the wrong time isn't it?
Just like a ticking bomb, waiting to explode.
Of which I pray it doesn't.
Maybe at this moment, you too do not understand.
Because you can't seem to empathise.
Because u're not in my shoes.
Perhaps, you were never in my shoes.
Except for You i place my trust...
I'll try to stay strong...
Even if I might crumble...
Aameen Ya Rabbal 'Aalamiin.