pkul 4.30pm jerr aku dah balik. tak de mood langsung. ada banyak proposal yang nak kena buat tapi aku rilek jerr.. tapi tak bermakna aku tak wat perr.. cuma cool jer.. tak de la beria -ia sgt. cuma kurang bersungguh jerr wat keje..pagi tu aku meeting dgn Joanne Piearre. errmm pasal apa lagi kalo bukan pasal cable. errmm monday ni cuti best tu.. cuti nuzul quran. dah 17 hari berpuasa tapi on monday ni le..
ni menu berbuka petang tadi. heaven giler.. cucur badak, kangkung goreng, ulam kacang kelisa, jantung pisang rebus, dalca ayam, kari daging, sambal goreng & pizza
....from kekwa22 with love....
Don't say you have faith before you are tested, Allah tests you as He loves you because you are special. Thus, it is a request to remain patient and remain steadfast in your patience, as Allah wants to save you from His wrath, and wants to be pleased with you. Now, when you just remember the very reason Allah test you, doesn't that make the test that you have to endure make you smile and at the same time feel good and special? Allah know what is the best for you..