03 March 2013

Tahniah Abang Armand dan Pavlova

Pepagi ni.. kena pi skolah abang sebab ada sharing day.. errmm tahun ni teacher baru. teacher siti. errmm alhamdulillah dengan prestasi abang armand. Syukur Alhamdulillah. errmm semoga abang armand dapat mengekalkan dan meningkatkan lagi prestas.
 Hari ni.. cuaca sangat2 panas.. aku merangkap kami sekeluarga.. tak pi mana2.. dok umah jerr this week because of kenduri kak mas.. errmm kenduri kahwin anak nyerr yang kedua a.k.a yang bongsu.. meriah tu kenduri.. khemah kenduri sampai ke depan rumah aku.. ada 8 khemah semua nyer... ni pemandangan dari depan pintu umah aku..

aku, pi.. kejap2 jerr.. sebab bagi tunjuk muka. makanan pun enche affa ambil bawa masuk ke rumah.. bukan tak leh nak makan kat khemah kenduri yang depan pintu gate.. yang makanan semua nyerr depan umah.. tapi cerr pikir sape nak pegang isyraf?? so, dah dekat.. bleh jerr makan dalam umah.. bersama dgn isyraf.. boleh lerr dia memain sementara aku makan.. that the reason. lagi pun malas nak kuarkan isyraf dengan cuaca panas sebab dia tak sihat lagi. semalam dia demam. suhu sampai 38.7*C. Mujur sempat jumpa dengan doktor Khoo. pagi tadi pun pi ambil gas lagi. dia nak bernafas.. susah. Malam semalam.. Isyraf tido beriba jerr.. dia kalo demam.. manja bukan main.

Dalam dok memain ngan Isyraf aku wat pavlova. 1st time wat nih.
 ni dia.. hasil nyerrr...
 dari atas.. rupa nyer  cam nih.. orang letak strawberi.. tapi aku letak kiwi.. hantam sajalah
 Resepi amik kat sini.. errmm aku kopipes jerr la

Prep Time: 40 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour, 15 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour, 55 minutes
  • 4 large egg whites at room temperature
  • 1 cup of Castor sugar, also known as "Berry sugar"
  • 1 tsp of white vinegar
  • 1/2 Tbsp of cornstarch
  • 1/2 tsp of pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cups of whipping cream
  • Fresh fruit such as strawberries, raspberries, kiwi fruit, passionfruit, bananas, blueberries
  • 1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
  1. Preheat the oven to 275F (140C) and place the rack in middle of the oven. Line a baking tray with foil and draw a 7 inch circle on the foil with the blunt edge of a knife (don't tear the foil). Set aside.
  2. In a clean, medium-sized metal bowl, beat the egg whites with a clean electric mixer on medium speed. Beat until the whites form soft peaks.
  3. Gently sprinkle the sugar into the egg whites, one teaspoon at a time. Don't just lump the sugar in the bowl and never stop beating the eggs until you finish the sugar. Your egg whites should now be glossy stiff peaks.
  4. Sprinkle the cornstarch and vinegar on the meringue and fold in gently with a plastic spatula. Add the vanilla and gently fold the mixture again.
  5. Now gently spread the meringue in the circle on the foil to make a circular base. Make sure the edges of the meringue are slightly higher then the center so you have a very slight well in the middle.
  6. Bake the meringue for about 1 hour and 15 minutes or until it goes a very pale, pinkish egg shell color.
  7. Turn the oven off and leave the door slightly ajar to let the meringue cool completely. As the meringue cools, it will crack slightly.
  8. Just before serving, take the meringue out of the oven and remove it gently from the foil and place on a plate.
  9. Whip the cream with the vanilla extract until it forms peaks. Prepare the fruit by washing and slicing.
  10. Gently spread the cream to the top of the meringue with a spatula and arrange the fruit on top.
 best makan masa sejuk.. nyaman jerr tekak.. cuma lenkali gula kena kurangkan.. ermmm manis..
 Malam plak.. tak de masak apa pun.. sebab tak de la lapar sengat.. errmmm layan cucur jagung jerr
Errmm Alhamdulillah dengan rezeki yang Allah bagi hari ni


....from kekwa22 with love....
 “Jika tak dapat apa yang kita suka, belajarlah menyukai apa yg kita dapat… dan bersyukurlah dengan apa yang kita ada..”

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